Bunbury Prison Greyhound Program
The Bunbury Greyhound Prison Program was established in 2013, by two passionate volunteer greyhound owners, with the support of Greyhound As Pets WA.
Two dog kennels were built in the Pre Release Unit by the inmates and a twelve week Handlers course was developed by the Volunteer Coordinators.
The Program was an immediate success, with inmates and officers finding a mutual connection through the hounds.
Due to the positive outcome of the Program, two more kennels were added to the Main Prison in 2017.
In 2018 the partnership with Greyhounds As Pets was no longer working, and Greyhound Angels WA are now supporting this Program to this day.
The aim of this Program is to provide a safe foster environment for the hounds to learn how to live in a home-like situation and to start learning basic commands and manners.
The handlers are taught how to bond with their hounds in order to provide best care and training. In doing this they learn canine animal husbandry, basic first aid, behaviour modification skills and how to work as a team.
The dogs will have come from various backgrounds related to the racing industry. They may have finished their career and retired due to age or injury. They may have trialled unsuccessfully or have some pre-existing medical condition which prevents them from racing.
News Articles
South Western Times
Bunbury Herald News Article pg 1
GAP News
South Western Times
Inmate Stories
First Inmate Hounds
Lucy and Bear
First Inmate Hounds
Further Information
If you wish to find out more about the Bunbury Prison Greyhound Program, email the Volunteer Coordinator Jenny Dunlop at touchwood64@bigpond.com or contact Greyhound Angels WA 0439 556 000.